This week we have the pleasure of featuring Alex and her company, Bath Buddies, a business that hand makes all their products from bath bombs, to sugar scrubs, to bath salts with love. Here is Bath Buddies’ story.

Where can people find your business?
Find us online at:
Facebook: AlexsBathBuddies
Twitter: @alexbathbuddies
Tell us about your business
I started Bath Buddies by a complete fluke! About a year ago I gave Blogging a try and wanted to write a DIY post on making something relaxing for myself and stumbled on the thought of making my own bath bombs. Long story short, I never ended up writing that blog post, but instead, put my foot on the gas and dove right into an entrepreneur/ artisan’s world! It’s so funny how things work out sometimes, but I am so thankful that I started this journey ever since!

What made you decide to become a business Ownr?
I never really thought of myself as a business owner until I recently hit 1K followers on Instagram. Sounds silly, but I never in a million years would have thought of myself as a business woman. I just create what I love in hopes for people to love the things I make just as much as I do! I fell into this business world and it has been a learning curve every single second, but I love it all so much and wouldn’t trade it for anything.
When you were making your business official, what did you tackle first?
My logo! I felt like that would really solidify that I meant business, no pun intended! I thought that having a logo for my little gig would go a long way, and it did. I worked with an awesome Boss Lady who also has her hustle on the side and who made my thoughts a reality. After my logo was created, I felt like Bath Buddies really came to life.

What has been your biggest success or earliest win in running your business thus far?
I’d have to say my biggest success(es) has been getting into markets to sell my products. I have met some amazing people throughout this journey so far as well, which makes all of this that much better. The first market I ever got asked to do I was over the moon happy for. Now, any time I get accepted into a market, I feel like it is a huge success on my part knowing that someone sees something in myself and business that they’ve asked me to be part of their show.
Are there any tips you would like to share with other Ownrs?
Just two. First, being that you must stay organized because if you don’t, things can (and will) get crazy and out of hand. That has been the biggest thing to learn on my part – it’s a different kind of organization from your typical life stuff, but you need to learn quick how to stay on top of things. Second would be to take a break from it all when you need it. Running your own gig is a full-time commitment and you can easily burnout if you don’t recognize when you need a physical and mental break. I did this recently and on those days off I was able to relax guilt free and come back to work fired up more than I was before!
Once a month, we feature a Canadian business that was founded with Ownr. If you started your business with us and would like to be featured here, let us know in an email to [email protected].
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