This week’s feature is on Robin and Melanie, owners of Reach to Motivate!
What is Reach to Motivate Fitness?
We are Reach to Motivate Fitness, a team of Certified Personal Trainers committed to enriching lives by motivating and educating individuals through tailored inclusive training and nutritional programs.

What made you decide to become entrepreneurs?
We decided to become business owners because we wanted to help people in the community and anyone who is struggling to balance being a busy professional, personal life, health and fitness.

What does a typical day look like for you?
Every day can be a surprise for us. Specific to our daily routine, we can say that it is very unpredictable. During the weekdays, it can be working our regular jobs (roles in nursing and as a research assistant) in the mornings (or overnights). During the afternoons and some evenings we train, catch-up with clients, and do consultations. This is when we do our direct personal training services. In the evenings, we try to find time to discuss, plan, vent out business ideas, take photos, and edit Instagram posts while we try to find/make something for dinner 🥘 (yeah, it can be hectic). On days that are not too jam-packed, we like to watch a movie or try new recipes but still try to find time (even if it’s just a couple hours) to talk and review aspects of our business venture.

What has been your biggest success or earliest win in running your business thus far?
We believe that all steps we take in our business decisions, marketing and training are great successes. They are all steps forward to the bigger goal. Getting our business registered was a proud moment for us.
Another big success has to be following through with our philosophy in life and in business: ongoing learning to become better versions of ourselves. Learning business strategies and techniques (E.g. finding influencers, listening to informational podcasts), as well as conquering small steps by pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone are all successes for us as individuals, and as business owners.
What has been your biggest challenge in running your business thus far?
The biggest challenge in running our business is balancing quality time to manage a business, being a professional, maintaining our own personal lives, and our own health and fitness. However, we constantly push ourselves out of our comfort zones and this is where we thrive. We use these moments as learning experiences.
Are there any tips you would like to share with other business owners or future business owners?
Although we are new business owners and still learning, we have been been on our own learning journey of ups and downs in the health and fitness realm.
For other business owners we want to share: be humble and be giving. Be a mentor and influencer to your team and/or those around you. Find the desire to help individuals grow personally and professionally. Give them resources to strive and get on their feet. For us, we want to be able to help our independent trainers grow so that they can gain following, leadership and humility.
For future business owners: no matter what crazy idea you may have, no matter if the people closest to you do not believe in you, no matter what stage you are in your life, just keep striving to learn. Push through the fear and the doubt and do something small everyday, be patient and enjoy the process to be a better version of yourself.
Where can people find your business?
Instagram: @reachtomotivate
Every Friday, we feature a Canadian business that was founded with Ownr. If you started your business with us and would like to be featured here, let us know in an email to [email protected].
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