Anthony Alfonsi is Toronto’s friendly neighbourhood web specialist. He started his creative agency, Fourdots Digital, to help businesses step up their digital marketing game. Here, Anthony recalls his entrepreneurial journey, from running parties at nightclubs, to landing a spot in a start-up incubator, to learning the ropes of being a boss. Anthony used Ownr to register Fourdots Digital in 2018.
Ownr: What differentiates Fourdots Digital from other creative agencies?
Anthony: We help fuel the business growth of our clients through digital marketing. I think most social media agencies specialize in either the creative aspect or the technical aspect. We pride ourselves on having both the creativity and audacity to stand out, while also possessing the real skills and technical knowledge to get business results. It’s a delicate balance; our youth is definitely a competitive advantage.
Ownr: Tell us a bit about yourself and your entrepreneurial journey. What inspired you to set up your business?
Anthony: I’d say my entrepreneurial journey started in university when I started running parties at nightclubs. In the second year, I ran a student painting business. That gave me the first real experience in sales, hiring and managing a team – basically all of the essential skills for running a business. I then applied to Schulich’s YEDI program, which is an entrepreneurship accelerator. There I refined my knowledge and really committed myself to being an entrepreneur.

Ownr: What do you love about being your own boss? What keeps you motivated?
Anthony: I’ve always known I’d be my own boss at some point. I’m a systems thinker. I’m always driven to build or streamline processes, to work smart and not hard.
What keeps me motivated is my team. Hiring is tough, but I’ve been blessed to have found great people that inspire me.
“I’m always driven to build or streamline processes, to work smart and not hard.”
Anthony Alfonsi, Founder and Director at Fourdots Digital
Ownr: What do you remember about the initial days of your business idea, and the first few challenges you had to resolve?
Anthony: I started as a freelance web designer, which is tough, since revenue is inconsistent. A lot of reading and research has gone into Fourdots since those days. I’ve been lucky enough to work with and build relationships with great clients, allowing me to scale my business while being a partner in their business growth.

Ownr: What has been your biggest success or earliest win with this business?
Anthony: Our biggest success is undoubtedly the success of our clients. In B2B it’s important to create real value and we’ve been successful in delivering that.
Ownr: What’s the hardest part of running a business of this nature?
Anthony: The hardest part of running a business of this nature is a challenge we embrace – getting results. That’s what separates us from the crowd.
“You’ll never grow past “self-employed” if you don’t hire employees and trust them to do the job.”
Anthony Alfonsi, Founder and Director at Fourdots Digital
Ownr: What does a typical day look like for you as the owner and operator of Fourdots Digital?
Anthony: A typical day for me will involve a mix of team check-ins, creative review, business development and prospect meetings.

Ownr: Are there any tips you’d like to share with other entrepreneurs starting their business journey or looking to scale their business?
Anthony: For those starting their business journey, I advise that you read up and research your industry’s best practices. Better yet, work for a while at a company that does it right. It will save you a lot of time and headache.
For those looking to scale, it’s important to delegate and empower people around you. A hands-on, perfectionist nature is probably central to why you started a business in the first place, but you’ll never grow past “self-employed” if you don’t hire employees and trust them to do the job. The business should be able to run without you; otherwise, it’s not a business.
Ownr: Where can people learn more about Fourdots Digital?
Anthony: You can visit our website at or follow us on Instagram at @fourdotsdigital .
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